The mission of SMARTinno is to enhance cooperation and foster innovation processes throughout the whole Ionian Adriatic region, providing to all players of innovation the tools and information they need to grow.
Who is it for?
For innovative companies active in the Ionian Adriatic region, that will find in this platform all tools and information needed to develop their businesses, but also for all other players of the Ionian Adriatic innovation ecosystem (Business Support Organizations, Technology Parks, Incubators, Developing Agencies, Consultants, Mentors, Clusters, Universities, Co-working Spaces and Research Centers), that will gain the chance to enter into an international innovative network.
The platform of the Ionian Adriatic Innovation Ecosystem has been realized in the frame of SMART INNO, a strategic IPA Adriatic CBC project funded by the European Union and aimed at developing a smart networking system for monitoring and fostering research & innovation capacity in SMEs across the Adriatic Region.
More information can be found on the official Web Pages of SMARTinno, and Adriatic-Ionnian Innovation Hub. Furthere, here is the map with all SMARTinno members.