Aksentijevic Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.

ICT evaluations

ICT evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject’s financial value, worth and significance in a corporate system, using criteria governed by outlined set of standards. ICT evaluations can help organizations program or plan proposals, concepts, alternatives and scenarios and help in decision making.

In the past, we have created several brand new and ground-braking evaluation methods that were not easily available in the consulting market: for example, we have managed to create an evaluation study of the game development in order to recapitalize a limited liability company that was developing computer games, and provide financial evaluation of replacement cost of integral business information system of a travel organization company. We have also developed a methodology of analysis to appraise complex information systems from their inception to determine true development and operational cost, including TCO and ROI.

Our financial evaluations have greatly helped our clients to reflect on their past and current decisions and they have assisted them to identify the future changes.

We take pride in the fact that our knowledge is not only technical or organization but also financial: for us, ICT is not a technical discipline, but rather, a significant investment in business development. Our evaluations, appraisal and ICT audits can help you full understand the complexity of your processes, translated into financial and quantitative terms.