Aksentijevic Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.


We have worked with many clients for whom we have been providing various services from our area of expertise. Because of confidentiality clauses, we are not in position to disclose them, but we will be glad to point you to right entities and instances if you wish to check our credentials. We have served a wide range of clients, from private persons to large corporations. Here is a description of work we have done for some of our clients and completed projects.

Criminal law litigations:

(In each case, full forensic investigation process was done, including data acquisition, analysis, extraction, creation of forensic report and sworn testimony in the court. Clients were usually courts – criminal and commercial and district attorneys).

  1. Forensic analysis of child pornography exchange, storage and usage using computer system and network
  2. Forensic analysis of identity theft (credit card fraud, hijacking of e-mail, embezzlement)
  3. Forensic analysis of the banking business information system
  4. Forensic analysis of the databases (dbase, Fox Pro, SQL, Oracle)
  5. Forensic analysis of on-line bullying/threats using social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn)
  6. Forensic analysis of the integral business information systems
  7. Forensic analysis of authenticity of e-mail exchange
  8. Forensic analysis of the data theft (the case of “disgruntled employee”)
  9. Forensic analysis of the employee fraud (money theft) using POS system
  10. Forensic analysis of the mobile phone usage (voice, SMS, MMS, data)
  11. Forensic analysis of geo-positioning data
  12. Forensic analysis of authenticity of e-mail messages from source to destination


(In each case, a formal document was produced, that was a part of the process of recapitalization, liquidation or some other process. Clients are usually commercial entities.)

  1. Evaluation of the market value of the digital photography
  2. Evaluation of the value of computer and network hardware and software – process of recapitalization of the limited liability companies
  3. Evaluation of the value of computer and network equipment during process of founding a limited liability company
  4. Evaluation of the ICT budget, its characteristics, execution, capital and operative expenses and labour cost
  5. Evaluation of the remaining value of ICT systems during company liquidation
  6. Evaluation of the fair value of integrated business information system developed in the company, as a part of the recapitalization project

Consulting studies and reports:

  1. Consulting report related to development and introduction of integral business information system in a national-level medical facility
  2. Analysis (snapshot) of the current state-of-affairs of development of the corporate ICT system for a major national logistics chain operator
  3. Optimization of ICT service contracts for a major national retail store chain
  4. Study of future medium-term development of the corporate ICT system
  5. Analysis of the achieved level of implementation of the new information
  6. Consulting report of implementation of road speed measuring devices
  7. Isolation of the evidence in a forensically correct way for corporate clients
  8. Consulting report – creation of a scope of work and services for creation of a corporate integral business information system
  9. Evaluation of alignment of the technology projects with legal requirements for tax exemption
  10. Evaluation of eligibility of new ICT projects for state subsidies/support

Education projects:

  1. Provision of single and several day courses to mid- and high- level executives, related to ICT governance, information and integral security and ICT forensics and court proceedings
  2. Teaching business process modeling to a large groups of students at a university
  3. Providing custom and tailor-made in-house trainings of executives and specialists

Our clients are from countries throughout EMEA and CIS regions.