Aksentijevic Forensics and Consulting, Ltd.

Information security

We can help you create and maintain information security management system in your organization by using methodology described by popular standards, frameworks and best practices. However, we can go one step further and help you organize and manage your information capital – non material form of capital whose usage in business activity acts as a catalyst in production of goods and services, represented by classified information and knowledge stored in information and document systems of the organization.

We look at information security from the corporate governance level, so we firmly believe that end result of the information security management system has to be not only achievement of main goals of confidentiality, integrity and availability but:

  1. Achieving goals of excellence (increased efficiency, productivity and profitability)
  2. Creation of the new products, services and business models
  3. Better connection with clients and vendors
  4. Enhanced decision making
  5. Competitiveness
  6. Enhanced daily operations

We strongly believe that information security management has six main deliverables:

  1. Information capital and risk identification
  2. Classification of data and information
  3. Information and data life-cycle management
  4. Creation, execution and follow up of information security plan
  5. Full compliance with legal requirements
  6. Cost-efficient information security operations

We can provide full range of corporate information security services and consulting, from creation of the formal information security system, through follow up and training to management of security incidents, forensic analysis, reporting and crisis management.